Some Idea of Acceptances &
       Rejections of Meanings @
               Around A Pendeen Watch

a code-break
er his eyes lit blin
king Morse his lary
nx bleeps lost syl
lables from sub


a sheet of sea set
with ripples' glimmers says
an enemy is


bee leep eep
beep bleep leap
bee bee leaf bo


and yet

a code br
eaker & poem (a
crow of poem &
a man
-mind's cracker)

fight so

a broken poem

is twitch
ing on a co
ast path its

bits speck
ling sayings am

ong pebbles & dri
ed bracken frag


the poem the code
-breaker wrote

open (closed)
with ene

my eyes

a poem a

code-breaker cr()act
with fight's mind

dies like light
ening's hot

stretched threads be

tween seas & an
vil clouds dies

tedly whilst

a the

code-breaker goes
on knowing his



what does the
(a) poem mean

that (or a) sky
means out

west its

bright sculpts
steam (.) to north

purple wedges held

up on horizon by

a rain's jan
gling pi

ano wires (or
smudged bar

-codes paid
out or a

sky-whales baleen


on an o  
ther's h


Pendeen Watch's lighthome
houses a pulsar's pasts

flashes re
cognitions ig
nites night's

sea lanes its

blinks do    its
blinks do    they

do mean

each twitch-chip of
bright sent miles

out says a sense

distinct to coast's & ships'
positionings & passings

a sky means

nothing nothing
means                                      the a / that some / or this


as one talks to words
as one walks towards
Pendeen Watch its

white walls

though still still
wriggle like shy
ing horses crest
ing tur

quoise thoughts of
hidden whinnies

as one talks a way
as one walks away
from Pendeen Watch to


over a brow bey
ond sand's sense

less collection @ Porth
eras where ra

zor-lies of sh
ip wreck bits cut

sentences' foot
steps into red

wet clauses smok
ing in salt


as one stalks a
way away from a
Pendeen Watch's
polished glass gaze

suddenly Bosigran's gran
ite at distance is in
tricate artes ledges & cracks

whilst close

up enough to to
uch a climber's nose
Bosi's granite is

just as intric

there is a book dan
gling from her harn
ess with Bosigran's
routes de

scribed and graded

a sheet of sea st
retched out and be

hind a climber whose
fingers feel mini

aturised distances & gra
vity's concentrates of

place Pen

deen Watch (b)links later to
night a foil crink

les as a

foreign sub
mariner de
cades deep grey
& gaudy as

ideas of a 19
40s thinks of

acing to ob
serve twen
tea-thirst sen
try comm

andos wri
ting poe
ms on Bos

igran ridge as its
granite alphabet rises

from sea's speech

lessness towards
Rosemergy & the hooved
books of belted
Galloways black
hides binding milk

white pages a hiss

of sea's u
n saids sprays
air's blues now

further's north
east read

Zennor's fields filled
with the o

rangey brow
n of diary cows

their pretty
chocalate skulls re
citing Red

grove meaning

less & less a
gain & again

less un

till all m

   © Mark Goodwin 2015